Monday, February 12, 2007

Learning a language is often difficult...

... but always funny! このまんががおもしろいですね。 えいごのせんせいからです: He had his English students write the captions to blanked out comics, and the results are fantastic. I'd like to see (or create!) the reverse -- Japanese students taking a shot at manga captions.

Incidentally, I appreciate the specificity of Japanese on this point -- "Japanese student" is ambiguous, but にほんごのがくせい and にほんじんのがくせい are quite clear (or should the second one be にほんがくせい?).


satoza said...

おもしろいサイトですね! Maybe we can do the same thing sometime in March or April!

asai said...

You are right, "Japanese student" can be にほんごをべんきょうしているがくせい、あるいは、にほんじんのがくせい(にほんがくせい sounds strange..)。